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We hate Justin Bieber, do you?

Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer who sucks like hell. He has about 1 million girls (half of the girls in the world, in his opinion) in love with him and nearly every boy hating him just because they can. His songs are annoying, and he acts as if he is some sort of God. He also does not know the meaning of the word German. If you have any sense at all, join one, if not ALL the Justin Bieber hate groups on Facebook.

Following is a question on yahoo answers titled 'I hate Justin Bieber, do you?' By AnimeloverXP

I really hate this stupid kid. He looks like a twelve year old, he can't sing, he thinks he is so cool and every person without an intelligent mind likes him. Basically, all the girls at school love him, it's wrong. Haha, what do you think of him.

Unfortunately, many people stick up for the sucker. These are people who have nothing better to do, do not listen to them. He is an ugly stuck-up brat and if everyone in the world hated him, there would be world peace.

Recently, (around 5th May 2011) he was pelted with eggs at a concert in Sydney and also labelled a 'security risk' and a 'child' for hi behaviour on a Qantas flight. LOL :D.

Please visit www.antijustinbieber.com

If you want to watch a rap battle with Bieber in it, click here.
